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Happy Marketing April 2023

Whenever you feel like you get the hang of digital marketing, something shifts.

The hardest thing is always staying relevant. While there’s loads of content out there for you to consume, actually getting to grips with what’s important is tricky.

This is exactly what the Happy Marketing newsletter is for — bringing you our expertise in monthly bite-sized chunks so you can stay on top without having to leave your inbox.

So, grab a coffee …and delve into this month’s marketing round up. We promise it’ll leave a smile on your face 😊

The AI wars continue

Dominating the headlines across the board this month was AI and the question of whether marketing is about to undergo a huge shift.

The latest player in the AI wars? Google’s Bard. The waitlist is now open to users in the US and the UK, and Bard is Google’s response to the success of Open AI’s ChatGPT. Microsoft are also getting an oar in, releasing an AI-powered Bing. So, what’s our verdict? Is marketing just about to get a whole lot easier?

Well, yes and no. While ChatGPT has already made waves in content creation and idea generation, AI doesn’t mean we’re all out of a job.

The truth is, people still want to read things from a human. That’s why people would rather wait in a queue to talk with a real person than engage with a chatbot.

However, AI is still poised to be revolutionary. It’s bringing a whole new era to the world of digital marketing by decreasing costs, offering incredible insights, and helping create outstanding new pieces of content. Plus, the new skill of writing great AI prompts is about to become really valuable.

Just always make sure you get a real person to fact check.

The power of the big (or small) screen

It’s no secret that short form video reigns supreme – 66% of consumers find it the most engaging content on social media. There’s definitely power in the For You page.

But how can brands make the most of this type of content? Here are some pointers we’re recommending this month:

1. Ex-👏-per-👏-i-👏-ment👏

You’re not going to crack it in one video. Sometimes the ones you least expect to do well are the winners. But with a whole host of new data analysis tools to use on video platforms like YouTube shorts, tracking success has never been easier (or more important).

2. Tap into your community

We know businesses are struggling to get everything done (the optimal time to post on socials is now 1-2 times a day). But you know who loves creating stuff? Your customers!

Repost their content, use templates to minimize time necessary, and draw inspo from what your community is posting about already. BUT be careful — always give credit where it’s due.

3. Show faces

People like humans! Ads and videos with faces in are more memorable and perform better, so showcase your team, your users, your mom…

4. Engage all the way

Don’t set and forget. Social media isn’t something you can do offline. Comments, likes, shares and reposts all increase your reach and you’ll need to spend some time scrolling to do so.

💫 Our last tip? Don’t forget a trend. Make use of the 80/20 rule: 20% trend-based videos, 80% original ideas.

Mastering TikTok (before the ban?)

If you’re about to use short-form video, then where better than TikTok? But how can you make the most of this platform? What videos perform best?

TikTok is all about making your content look as organic as possible. Raw, unfiltered, real – that’s what tiktokers want to see, whether you’re posting ads or just content.

Although of course… With the government about to legislate on whether TikTok is allowed in the USA, brands with a heavy American customer base should think about diversifying their content plan.

The good news? Organic content works well across platforms, so your TikTok technique is valuable nonetheless.

Stats and facts for 2023

We’re looking to the coming year with Hubspot and Brandwatch in their 2023 Global Social Media Trends Report.

Our biggest takeaway? Building a community online has never been more important.

That doesn’t mean just whacking a few ads up, it means creating valuable content that your customers and your community needs. It’s no surprise that the most relatable, funny, on-trend content performs best.

So, how do you build a community?

Selling a product? Give your customers advice on getting the most out of it. Delivering a service? Industry-relevant tips and tricks show you’re the expert. Got an email list? Give them what they’re looking for in their inbox — take inspo from what we’re doing 😉

The hottest trends right now are all community based. Think micro-influencers with a specific niche, short-form video and UGC, social search and SEO to get those community keywords in order — it’s all geared towards reaching your people and keeping them engaged.

And the biggest surprise? 84% of marketers predict that social media will become the largest customer service channel. People want to feel they have an instant connection with you and your brand, so if your DMs are open they’ll be sliding right in.

Social media is priority number one for ecommerce brands, but that doesn’t mean B2B marketers can sit back. As millennials climb up the corporate ladder, they’re turning into decision makers scrolling the ‘gram in between meetings. Reach them there with memorable content that makes them click, and they might invite you to the table.

And finally…

We couldn’t let you go without telling you about our latest blog, where we clear up confusion around pay per click ads and search engine marketing — the most often asked question we get when we bring them up.

That’s all from me and this month’s edition of Happy Marketing.

Like what you read? Want to chat about this month’s round up? Contact us today – I love to hear from you.

See you in May.

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